Wide view of MIT Open space plaza on a sunny day, with MIT Health, MIT Building E23, and other campus building visible in the background and two pedestrians in the foreground, one walking a bicycle

Nobody knows MIT better than we do.

Flu information

Mark your calendars for the 2024 MIT Health Flu Clinic  
Monday–Friday, October 7–10 
9 a.m.–5 p.m. at Walker Memorial (Building 50).

Let’s Chat

Let’s Chat provides free, confidential consultations with clinicians from Student Mental Health & Counseling. In-person and virtual options are available on selected Wednesday and Thursdays.  

Your PCP

Choosing a primary care provider (PCP) is your first step toward getting the most out of MIT Health.

MIT responds to threat of mosquito-borne illnesses

Cambridge and surrounding communities are at high risk for West Nile virus. Learn about precautions you should take.